
This tutorial introduces the general workflow when using TensorVision. Examples can be found in the Modell Zoo repository.


Train a model:

tv-train --hypes config.json

Evaluate a model:

python eval.py


  • --hypes=myconfig.json
  • --name=myname


Each time you get a new task

Create JSON file

Create a json file (e.g. cifar10_cnn.json). It has at least the following content:

  "model": {
    "input_file": "examples/inputs/cifar10_input.py",
    "architecture_file" : "examples/networks/cifar_net.py",
    "objective_file" : "examples/objectives/softmax_classifier.py",
    "optimizer_file" : "examples/optimizer/exp_decay.py"

Adjust input file

The input_file contains the path to a Python file. This Python file has to have a function inputs(hypes, q, phase, data_dir).

The parameters of inputs are:

  • hypes: A dictionary which contains everything your model.json file had.
  • q: A queue (e.g. FIFOQueue)
  • phase: Either train or val
  • data_dir: Path to the data. This can be set with TV_DIR_DATA.

The expected return value is a tuple (xs, ys), where x is a list of features and y is a list of labels.

Adjust architecture file

The architecture_file contains the architecture of the network. It has to have the function inference(hypes, images, train=True), which takes image tensors creates a computation graph to produce logits

Adjust objective file

The objective_file contains task spezific code od the model. It has to implement the following functions:

  • decoder(hypes, images, train=True)
  • loss(hypes, decoder, labels)
  • evaluation(hypes, decoder, labels)

Adjust the solver file

The optimizer_file contains the path to a Python file. This Python file has to have a function training(H, loss, global_step, learning_rate). It defines how one tries to find a minimum of the loss function. Additionally it should provide a function get_learning_rate(hype, global_step), which returns the current learning rate at each step.


TensorVision brings some scripts which you can use:

  • tv-train: Trains, evaluates and saves the model network using a queue.
  • tv-continue: Continues training of a model from logdir.
  • tv-analyze: Evaluates the model.
  • tv-maskstats: Get statistics about the distribution of classes in the masks.

Hypes file

TensorVision makes use of a configuration file for each project. As it was originally intended to have hyperparameters of models, it is commonly called “hypes file” or hypes.json throughout this project.

This configuration file allows you to adjust given networks easily to new problem domains.


It is recommended to create one json file for the training data sources as well as one for the testing data sources. Each file is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary has the keys raw and mask. For example, your trainfiles.json could look like this:

        "raw": "/home/moose/GitHub/MediSeg/DATA/OP1/img_00.png",
        "mask": "/home/moose/GitHub/MediSeg/DATA/OP1/img_00_GT.png"
        "raw": "/home/moose/GitHub/MediSeg/DATA/OP1/img_01.png",
        "mask": "/home/moose/GitHub/MediSeg/DATA/OP1/img_01_GT.png"
        "raw": "/home/moose/GitHub/MediSeg/DATA/OP1/img_02.png",
        "mask": "/home/moose/GitHub/MediSeg/DATA/OP1/img_02_GT.png"

You should add the path of those files to your hypes.json:

"data": {
  "train": "../../DATA/trainfiles.json",
  "test": "../../DATA/testfiles.json"

While this is not required, it will allow you to use tv-maskstats and make your code more readable and easier to adjust.


It is recommended to add a description of your labeled data to your hyperparameters file. This makes your code more readable and gives the possibility to use tv-maskstats as well as tensorvision.utils.load_segmentation_mask(). The classes block looks like this:

"classes": [
    {"name": "background",
     "colors": ["#000000"],
     "output": "#ff000000"},
    {"name": "instrument",
     "colors": ["#464646", "#a0a0a0", "#ffffff", "default"],
     "output": "#00ff007f"}